PinnedToneIts your call your phone If they ask for me Just tell them I ain’t home Let your fingers Light the story I only talk to dial tonesJan 4Jan 4
PinnedMalign influence campaigns: What are they, and how can communities fight back?Originally Published on LinkedIn (1/2/2020)Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
PinnedThere and Back AgainEvery word falls precisely into place, sentences in ordered repose. Words align, yet !&?@ subtle dissonance trembles, forming a ripple — }…Aug 19, 2024Aug 19, 2024
PinnedA Faithful Alliance: How Bajoran Spirituality Can Guide the FederationPhoto by R M on UnsplashSep 18, 2024Sep 18, 2024
Séh₂nti tékwes, dʰóru medʰérti stéh₂nti.Séh₂nti tékwes, dʰóru medʰérti stéh₂nti. Dʰóru medʰérti, stéh₂nti úper Dyéus ph₂tḗr kalmós. Wódr̥ deh₃mé, dréh₁ti sreh₁ti — mnéwos téh₂kʷe…Feb 19Feb 19
A cat named Oliver owns the bookstore downtown.It believes dramatic effect is crucial for breakfast.Feb 16Feb 16
The Sacred SpringThe wind still claws with brittle hands, Its voice a ghost on withered lands. Ice lingers where the shadows keep, And rivers dream in…Feb 13Feb 13
Wl̥kʷos h₂r̥tós bherontiWl̥kʷos h₂r̥tós bheronti, dʰoméḿ h₂eḱsenti, gʷerh₂mónti, dʰéǵʰom wl̥kʷos déḱm̥tom. Néwos wéydʰs bheronti, u̯érmom h₂eḱsenti.Feb 11Feb 11